Tong DengyongDirector, Senior partner

Business area:

Maritime affairs,

Other foreign affairs and international arbitration

Fax :(0574) 87066991

Phone: 13805860110

Business area

Maritime affairs,

Other foreign affairs and international arbitration

work experience

1983-1992, Teaching assistant/lecturer of law of the Sea/Fisheries Law/Maritime Law, Zhejiang Ocean University

1992-20021 Lecturer of Maritime Law, School of Maritime Affairs, Ningbo University

                     Part-time lawyer of Ningbo Foreign Law Firm

2001-2012 Director of Zhejiang Zhihai Law Firm

20013-2018 Executive Director of Beijing Dacheng (Ningbo) Law Firm

2018-present Director of Beijing Weiheng (Ningbo) Law Firm

Education background

Zhejiang Fisheries College, Dalian Maritime University

working language



Main achievement

Since working as a lawyer, Lawyer Tong has represented COSCO/CHINA SHIPPING /PICC /P&I CLUB and other domestic and foreign port SHIPPING, insurance and finance, ship repair and construction and other famous enterprises, as well as the Maritime Affairs Bureau, the Bureau of Ocean and Fisheries, local governments to deal with maritime litigation, arbitration or business negotiations at home and abroad. In Ningbo Maritime law

Seven of the ten classic cases published in the 10th anniversary of the founding of the institute were hosted, and some cases have set maritime precedents in the province and even in China. Professional papers written based on their own practice lessons and experience have won many excellent or advanced awards at home and abroad, and some have been selected into the "Treasure House of Contemporary Chinese Thought" and other national theoretical database.

In his spare time, Tong has also served as secretary general of maritime commerce and Maritime Affairs Committee of all China Lawyers Association, director of Navigation Society and representative of district People's Congress, etc. He has been invited to teach maritime law practice and theory in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xiamen University, Dalian and Shanghai Maritime University for many times, and delivered keynote speeches at international Maritime Law Conference/International Maritime Arbitrators' Conference/Chinese Small and Medium-sized Shipping Enterprise Forum in Vancouver, Hong Kong, etc. At the same time, he is also actively involved in the revision of the Maritime Law, research on the Bankruptcy Law of Marine-related Enterprises, drafting and improving the relevant judicial interpretation of the Supreme Court and other legislative work.

His representative cases include but are not limited to:

Handled shipbuilding disputes with 6+6 57000DWT bulk carriers of Zhejiang Hengfu Shipyard and related letter of guarantee disputes with Ningbo Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China on behalf of German Conti Company, and handled bankruptcy claims and got a good result of returning the principal and interest of prepaid ship money;

On behalf of The Agricultural Bank of China wenzhou Yueqing Sub-branch to handle the ship mortgage contract disputes with 6 chemical ships of Wenzhou Oriental Shipyard to participate in the bankruptcy liquidation and receive the compensation from the auction money first;

Provide Chinese legal services on behalf of Pacific Ocean Engineering (Zhoushan) Co., Ltd. in zhoushan Changbai Island for the financing and construction of a 415-foot mobile jackup platform and other Marine engineering equipment and ship construction projects;

Represented Far East Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. to deal with the dispute of construction ship mortgage contract with Zhejiang Ocean Engineering Co., LTD.

Represented China Merchants Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. in Qingdao Maritime Court to deal with the ship "Hezhi" and its financing leasing disputes with the bankrupt enterprise Zhejiang Zhenghe Shipbuilding Company, and obtained satisfactory liquidation results;

On behalf of Zhejiang CoSCO Ningbo International Freight Co., LTD., as a nVOCC, filed a dispute over the contract of carriage of goods by sea against Heilongjiang Foreign Trade Import and Export Corporation, which was fully and timely executed and became the first maritime trial in Ningbo Maritime Court.

"Harvest", on behalf of the P&I Association, deals with the collision case between this ship and "Jinhaikun" in Taizhou waters (involving oil pollution, shipwreck salvage, liability limitation and compensation for human life);

"Zoorik", on behalf of The Iranian Shipowner and Protection and Indemnity Association to deal with the case of oil leakage caused by the reef in Zhoushan sea;

"Sealink Maju 4/5", on behalf of the Malaysian client, dealt with the construction dispute of two ocean tugboats under construction in the bankrupt Enterprise Nantong Huigang Shipyard and the counter-claim case due to wrongful seizure. After the first instance, the second instance and the retrial of the Supreme Court, the case was finally settled in a satisfactory manner.

"Bereg Mechty", on behalf of four state-owned fishing companies from Beijing, Ningbo and Zhoushan, participated in arbitration and filed counterclaims in London of the United Kingdom on the disputes over the contract of contracting, and finally succeeded.

"MSC Christina" collides with "Hualing" ship (the object of this lawsuit and counterlawsuit exceeds 20 million USD), handles property/evidence preservation on behalf of the ship, and coordinates with the local maritime administration and port Authority;

"Hyundai Independence", on behalf of Zhoushan Wanbang Yongyue Shipyard, dealt with the biggest oil pollution case in Zhejiang province in recent years caused by the ship touching the dock door, claiming more than 100 million yuan and settling the case;

On behalf of Ningbo Port Bureau, the ship "Express D" dealt with the case of compensation for damage caused by the ship's contact with the wharf and its container bridge cranes. The case was finally settled by mediation of $5.25 million.

"Spring Trader" represented yu Xiaohong, a pilot of Ningbo Port, in a huge claim for disability caused by a fall of an offshore ship, which ultimately achieved a historic breakthrough several times over the maximum limit of RMB 800,000 stipulated by the Supreme Court's judicial interpretation at that time.

On behalf of zhejiang Cosco/Zhejiang Shipping Group and the bankruptcy of its subsidiary Wenzhou Shipping Company, Ningbo Shipping Group and its subsidiaries, China Fishery Association, China Shipowners Mutual Insurance Association, Ningbo Pacific Shipping Company Zhoushan Xinya Shipyard, Zhejiang Grain Group, Singapore Kerry Group PCL Company, Malaysia SEALINK Companies undertake chartering, ship trading, construction, repair, guarantee, customs clearance, export, bankruptcy liquidation and structural governance and other legal affairs litigation or non-litigation affairs;

On behalf of the foreign ship, dealt with many damages disputes such as hangzhou Bay Bridge and Zhoushan Jintang Cross-sea Bridge;

Represented the famous Shipping company of Singapore in the maritime arbitration in London on the ship construction contract dispute with the bankrupt enterprise Taizhou Hongguan Shipyard, applied to ningbo Maritime Court and successfully recognized and executed the award of London arbitration (intermediate and final), etc.

As the legal adviser of Zhejiang Jinhui Shipping Co., LTD., participated in its listing on the New Third Board and cooperated with ningbo Mayor to promote the construction of the first e-commerce website of Alibaba in the shipping industry;

As the perennial legal adviser of zhoushan Ship Industry Association and its members zhoushan Xinya, Longshan, CoSCO, Nanyang Star, Zhenghe, Peninsula, Book, Ouhua and other large ship repair and construction enterprises, I have dealt with a large number of lawsuits and non-litigation legal affairs, including construction, modification, financing, debt-for-stock bankruptcy and so on.

Entrusted by zhoushan and other local governments, and in the name of the association or shipowner's representative to Japan and Yinqi Island to deal with major maritime disaster claims and crew repatriation and other foreign-related mass incidents;

On behalf of Jiaxing local government, we filed public damage claims and lawsuits on the oil pollution in Hangzhou Bay caused by the collision of "EL Zorro" and "ELLINGTON", which resulted in a loss of more than 200 million YUAN.

On behalf of Shanghai Jinshan Petrochemical Company authorized by Sinopec, set up a team to deal with the bankruptcy and liquidation of Zhejiang Jinyong Acrylic Fiber Co., LTD. (later, due to the transfer of the office, it was jointly handled by huang Jianzhou bankruptcy team of Dacheng Office and Weiheng Ningbo Institute).